According to exclusive sources at Variety, the untitled series will follow an older, grittier version of the superhero as he navigates Depression-era New York City. The show, which will be set in its unique universe, will star a new character instead of Peter Parker.
The "Spider-Man Noir" comics first hit shelves in 2009 as part of the Marvel Noir Universe, introducing fans to a Great Depression-era version of the popular hero. This iteration of Spider-Man was bitten by a spider hidden in a stolen artifact, which led to visions of a spider-god and gave him his powers.
Oren Uziel will serve as writer and executive producer on the new "Spider-Man Noir" series. He will develop the series with "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" producers Phil Lord and Christopher Miller and former Sony executive Amy Pascal.
Uziel, who recently wrote the romantic comedy "The Lost City," has an impressive list of credits including "22 Jump Street," 2021 hit "Mortal Kombat" and the upcoming "John Wick 4" and "Borderlands.
This new series is just one of a growing list of Spider-Man projects that Amazon and Sony are developing. The companies are already working on a series centered on Silk, to be called "Silk: Spider Society," with "The Walking Dead" showrunner Angela Kang at the helm.