Guillermo del Toro, the director behind Netflix's Pinocchio, is set to bring another animated movie to the streaming giant. The Oscar-nominated director, fresh off the success of his Pinocchio adaptation, is teaming up with ShadowMachine, his trusty stop-motion animation studio, to bring us The Buried Giant.
Based on the award-winning fantasy novel by Kazuo Ishiguro, the movie will follow the story of Axl and Beatrice, an elderly British couple navigating a post-Arthurian England where nobody can retain their long-term memories. With a script co-written by Dennis Kelly, the mind behind Matilda the Musical, we're in for a treat.
Del Toro will direct and produce the film, co-writing the script with Dennis Kelly, the writer of Matilda the Musical.
Del Toro is excited to continue his animation partnership with Netflix and explore stop-motion as a medium for telling complex stories and building limitless worlds. "The Buried Giant continues my animation partnership with Netflix and our pursuit of stop-motion as a medium to tell complex stories and build limitless worlds,” he said in a statement. “It is a great honor and greater responsibility for me to direct this screenplay which Dennis Kelly and I are adapting from Kazuo Ishiguro’s profound and imaginative novel.”
And Netflix is just as excited to have him on board. “Guillermo del Toro is a visionary filmmaker and master of his craft. We couldn’t be more proud of the prestigious recognition for his Pinocchio, and we’re pleased to continue our creative partnership as he develops his next project with Netflix," said Netflix film boss Scott Stuber.
If Pinocchio is anything to go by, we're in for a treat with The Buried Giant. The former spent a month near the top of Netflix’s global film standings and had over 50 million views in its first 28 days. We can't wait to see what del Toro has in store for us next!